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  • 品質保証
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  • 漬物機能研究所

Export > Product Factories

Product FactoriesProduct Factories

In order to deliver our food safely to your table day after day, Tokai Pickling has an integrated production structure with strict quality and hygiene controls on all stages of the process, from the procurement of raw materials to packaging and shipping.

Strict quality checks are carried at out at every stage, allowing us to maintain a stable, high level of quality.

Our products are manufactured at factories that have been certified by the FDA.*


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a federal government agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The FDA is responsible for approving products and monitoring violations related to food, clothing, toys, tobacco, and other products.

The appropriate notifications and registrations must be submitted to the FDA and approval must be received from the FDA before such products can be sold in the United States.

Tahara Factory

Tahara Factory

< Products for export >
Kirishima Nousan

Kirishima Nousan

< Products for export >


(C )Tokai Pickling Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.